The legal environment has changed dramatically during the past forty years. The rise of mediation, Collaborative practice, unbundling, interdisciplinary practice and self-representation, along with the innovations in the court-system have created a new landscape that is both exciting and challenging. This presentation by Ron Ousky will focus on summarizing the best ideas that have emerged and on how we can adapt to this new environment to build truly client-centered exciting practices.
Ron Ousky is a leading family law practitioner who has, over the course of the past 35 years worked in, studied, and written about the changing dynamics of the legal system. Ron co-authored a groundbreaking book with Stu Webb, the founder of Collaborative Law and has co-founded one of the largest interdisciplinary family conflict centers in the world. In 2015, Ron was the sole individual to be awarded the Lawyer as Problem Solver Award by the American Bar Association.
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