
Kindness at Home

Kindness ideas by Katie Ranney

Bring kindness into your household. It can sometimes be easier to do random acts of kindness for strangers or coworkers than it is to be kind to a family member. A long relational history and communication habits can make acts of kindness uncomfortable because they are not what you normally do for each other. However, small acts of kindness with family can shift ineffective patterns and breathe new, positive life into your relationship with surprising power. 

Do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, or finish any chore that another family member usually does (or even better, hates doing). Even if they don’t say “thank you” or point out what you’ve done for them, rest assured that they noticed. Just like that you’ve added a positive interaction into your Gottman’s relationship ratio. (See day 2 for more information about Gottman).