Kindness ideas by Katie Ranney Music can be a connecting force. Music can be amazingly personal. Show someone that you are thinking of them by creating a playlist just for them. Whether on Spotify or a physical CD, craft a listening experience that you think they will enjoy. Don’t know how to make a playlist? Start by thinking of the person you’re giving the soundtrack to. What style of music do they like? What songs remind you of them or that you think they will like? Once you have a list of about 15 songs (more or less), you can place them in an order. The order can follow the ebb and flow of the songs’ rhythms or speeds. Or the order can tell a story. For example, you might think some songs represent when you first met or developing your friendship and then other songs represent your current relationship. Then you can place the songs in a chronological order. There is no wrong way to do it! As long as you are making it with them in mind.
Make a Play List