
Build Bridges

Kindness Ideas by Katie Ranney

Write in your journal the names of one to three people you have to interact with at work or at home, that you either: don’t know well or with whom you don’t feel you have good chemistry.  Write down at least one thing you like about them–maybe they are skilled at something, or perhaps they are always on time, or maybe they have good taste in shoes–and one thing you think you might have in common. 

Set a date as a goal to have some kind of positive interaction with each person whose name you have listed. You might just go out of your way to pay them a compliment; you might just say hello and ask them how they are doing, or what they did over the weekend; or you might try to engage in a conversation about some commonality you think you share. Even bringing them a doughnut or banana bread and saying very little starts building a bridge.