Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day, it is celebrated by individuals, groups and organizations nationwide to encourage acts of kindness. Here are some quick ideas to inspire kindness in you and those around you: Pay for the coffee or meal of the person in front of you in line. Leave a kind note for someone, no explanation needed. Share words of encouragement. You never know who might need them. We hope you all had a great long weekend and are staying safe and healthy. We are happy to hear COVID19 numbers lowering here in Honolulu and look forward to a time when we can all be together again! Unfortunately, weather conditions in a large portion of the mainland are becoming quite extreme, please join us in sending love and good thoughts towards those affected by the cold weather. This week we have two events coming up. Tomorrow, February 18th, we have a Free Brown Bag Lunch Talk with speaker Catherine Lampton from 12:00pm – 1:00pm. Catherine has a doctorate in ethical and creative leadership as well as a master’s in negotiation, conflict resolution, and peace building. She believes that we should all take more time time listen to each other in order to prevent future conflict. Join us and hear what she has to say! Our next event is entitled Bridging the Divide, on Friday, February 19th from 1:00pm – 2:00pm and we will hear from a few different speakers about training, preparing, and facilitating partnerships between host-country communities and Peace Corps volunteers in Guyana’s Education, Health, and Environment sectors. We hope to see you there! Remember, as Aesop said: “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Have a great week!
National Random Acts of Kindness Day