In case you are craving for a great discussion, sharing Chuck Crumpton’s message below. Thank you for sharing, Chuck! For those who may be interested in a great discussion with William S. Richardson School of Law Dean and Constitutional Scholar Avi Soifer and former Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals Judge, University of Hawaii Counsel and St. Louis School head Walter Kirimitsu on judicial independence, impartiality and integrity concerns: You can view it there at You can also view it on the youTube playlist ( for Life In The Law. In addition, you will be able to find and play the show on demand on and as a podcast on iTunes.
Category: Videos

The Kindness Challenge result… We would like to say Mahalo to everyone who participated in 5:1 Kindness Challenge and spread positiveness in the communities around you. Thank you also to Keahi Tucker – Hawaii News Now, Kristy Tamashiro – KHON, and Amrita Mallik – UH Manoa for spreading the words about our challenge. Special thanks goes to Ms. Pamera Fujita of Mililani Middle School for having her entire class participate in the challenge to spread kindness widely!! Here are some of her students’ feedbacks: “… We started the quarter by doing the 5:3:1 as our project. We do 5 minutes of meditation. we then have a journal where we decorate each day and write down 3 good things about the day. Along with that we write 1 random act of kindness we did that day. Ms.pam heard about your contest and had a challenge between each track….. Our goal overall was to spread kindness. I believe our class achieved our goal to spread kindness to others who need it….” Jazmine O. “Ms. Pam’s Class dedicated a whole quarter to teaching about kindness and 5-3-1. She told us to write in our journals 3 things that made us happy that day, and one act of kindness that we did that day. This assignment helped us to improve on many things, mostly on becoming a happier and all around better person.” Piha’eu A. Let’s keep it going this holiday season. A small kindness goes a long way in making a positive impact on someone’s day 🙂
In the evening of November 30, 2018… We are gathering for the holidays to celebrate the impact ACR Hawaii was able to make in year 2018 to promote peaceful conflict resolution, and to talk about the Future of Conflict Management in Hawaii moderated by Peter Adler. Below are the links to the documents for the gathering: ACR Annual Meeting Program 2018 ACR-Hawaii2019OfficersAndDirectorsFinal Draft Minutes of 2017 Annual Meeting and Holiday Dinner (1) (1) If you have not registered for the event, you can still do so here. Brief video of 2018 ACR Hawaii’s activities We look forward to seeing you!
Online Mediation in a Nutshell – 30-min Free Virtual Mediation Lab Webinar and Demo for Mediators and Attorneys – May 9, 2017 Noon Pacific Time If you are a mediator or attorney interested in online mediation, Tuesday, May 9, 2017 you can learn in 30 minutes: What Online Mediation means and how it works The benefits of Online Mediation How mediators can do online everything they are used to do in-person: e.g. Joint and private meetings (caucus) with the parties; “Shuttle Diplomacy” in multi-party disputes; Information (documents, pictures, worksheets, videos) sharing and annotation; Writing up the parties’ “Memorandum of Understanding” or agenda for their next meeting Which cases are suitable for Online Mediation How to blend face-to-face and Online Mediation How to try Online Mediation for FREE How to participate in a 2-hour one-on-one hands-on training in Online Mediation PRESENTER Giuseppe Leone, founder of Virtual Mediation Lab, an online mediation project sponsored by the Association for Conflict Resolution Hawaii Chapter. This 30-min webinar/demo is based on his experience: Mediating commercial and workplace cases since 1997 Mediating online workplace cases for the United States Postal Service Running hundreds of online mediation simulations with mediators from 30 countries Teaching online mediation to mediators and mediation centers around the world WHEN This “Online Mediation in a Nutshell” 30-min free webinar will take place Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at Noon/12:00pm Pacific Time (2:00pm Central Time | 3:00pm Eastern Time). ONLINE REGISTRATION Fill out this Online Registration Form – Please Note: Seating is limited After your registration is approved, you’ll automatically receive information on how to join the webinar with your PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android tablet or smartphone A TRANSFORMATIVE PARENTING MEDIATION MODEL Free Webinar with Wayne Plenert – April 25, 2017 1-Hour Video Recording Presented by the Virtual Mediation Lab, an online mediation…
THE POWER OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION IN MEDIATION Free Webinar with Lisa Arora Have you ever watched parties in a mediation struggle to hear what each other is saying, or even to get what you’re saying? What if the important things people were trying to say in your mediations were not evaporating into thin air? What if the parties could literally see their comments in real time and reflect on them? How might that impact the process of coming to agreements? During this webinar Lisa Arora explained to a large group of mediators from around the world: Why visual communication is so powerful for parties in resolving conflict How face-to-face and online mediators can learn more about groundbreaking visual mediation methods LINK TO THE WEBINAR Presented by: Virtual Mediation Lab, an online mediation project sponsored by ACR Hawaii, and Mediate BC, a not-for-profit organization that leads, promotes and facilitates mediation and other collaborative dispute resolution processes throughout the province of British Columbia, Canada. ABOUT LISA ARORA Lisa Arora is an internationally recognized expert in the field of graphic facilitation and a comprehensive family mediator who uses visuals to enhance communication and foster productive, mutually beneficial agreements during mediation. Since 2008, Lisa’s firm Get The Picture has specialized in providing engaging visual meeting experiences that result in highly productive dialogue, shared understanding, alignment and high-quality decisions. Visual meeting strategies are on the rise and being used across all industries to tackle deep-rooted and emerging issues. Lisa is also a well-regarded instructor in visual facilitation/group graphics methodology and author of 3 practical visual facilitation eGuides. ANY COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? If you have any comments or questions about The Power of Visual Communication in Mediation, please contact Lisa Arora through her website
See this 30-minute free video on Think Tech Hawaii’s website with ACR-Hawai‘i’s Directors Lisa Jacobs and Tom DiGrazia as they discuss the collaborative divorce process.
Ooops! Pardon my slip, here’s the link. See this 30-minute free video on Think Tech Hawaii’s website with ACR-Hawai‘i’s Directors Lisa Jacobs and Tom DiGrazia as they discuss the collaborative divorce process. Lisa Jacobs is a Mediator, Collaborative Attorney, Facilitator, Speaker, and Trainer in the areas of Family and Elder Law. She founded Better Way Divorce, also known as Pono Divorce, where she devotes 100% of her law and mediation practice to support families resolve their disputes using non-adversarial processes. Lisa has been licensed to practice law in Hawai‘i for the past 23 years. She has handled over 1,800 cases as a Family Law Consulting Attorney, 110 cases as a Mediator, and 12 cases as a Collaborative Attorney, with an agreement rate exceeding 90%. Tom DiGrazia is an Adjunct Professor of Law at the Richard School of Law at UH Manoa, and currently teaches a family law mediation course. He is also an author on a book on family mediation and peacemaking. ThinkTech Hawaii streams live on the Internet from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, Hawai‘i Time, every weekday then streams earlier shows through the night. It’s vision is to be a leader in shaping a more vital and thriving Hawai‘i as the foundation for future generations. It’s mission is to be the leading digital media platform raising pubic awareness and promoting civic engagement in Hawai‘i.
Students Helping Each Other Across the USA Click here for the 30-min video of the January 31, 2017 webinar “Online Peer Mediation Platform – Students Helping Each Other Across the USA”. The Online Peer Mediation Platform (OPMP) is a project funded by the JAMS Foundation, currently managed by the National Association of Peer Program Professionals, and previously managed by the Association for Conflict Resolution
On Tuesday, November 29, 2016 many mediators from around the world attended “Introduction to Online Mediation”, a Free Virtual Mediation Lab webinar and demo. In 39 minutes they learned: What Online Mediation means and how it works Benefits of Online Mediation How mediators can do online everything they are used to do in-person: e.g. Joint and private meetings (caucus) with the parties; “Shuttle Diplomacy” in multi-party disputes; Information (documents, pictures, worksheets, videos) sharing and annotation; Writing up the parties’ “Memorandum of Understanding” or agenda for their next meeting Which cases are suitable for Online Mediation When and how to blend face-to-face and Online Mediation Which video conferencing software works best for Online Mediation How to get hands-on training in Online Mediation How to try Online Mediation for FREE PRESENTER Giuseppe Leone, founder of Virtual Mediation Lab, an online mediation project sponsored by the Association for Conflict Resolution Hawaii Chapter, this webinar/demo was based on his experience: Mediating commercial and workplace cases since 1997 Mediating online workplace cases for the United States Postal Service Running hundreds of online mediation simulations with mediators from 30 countries Teaching online mediation to mediators and mediation centers around the world To watch this free video, click here INTERESTED IN ONLINE MEDIATION? Learn more about the Virtual Mediation Lab 2-hour hands-on training in online mediation, and how you can try online mediation for Free For any further questions, contact Giuseppe Leone by email or give him a call at (808) 383-4117 in the USA.
Free Webinar from the Virtual Mediation Lab: The Importance of Personal Branding for Launching an Online Business Online mediation can open up new business opportunities. Like any other business, however, an online mediation business requires a plan. Why? Because you need to have a clear answer to some key questions: e.g. who exactly are your prospective clients? How will they find you, know you, trust you, like you? And, more importantly, why should they hire you? The most critical component of such plan is your “personal branding”. During this Virtual Mediation Lab webinar, which took place on October 19, 2016, Nicole Abboud explained the basics of personal branding, and how mediators can apply those concepts to launch a successful online mediation business. In particular, she talked about: What a personal brand is and why it’s important for any business owner. How to begin building your personal brand. The importance of differentiating yourself in your mediation niche market. PRESENTERS Nicole Abboud , attorney, podcaster, and owner of Abboud Media. She works with lawyers who understand the value of building relationships with clients through content creation. Giuseppe Leone, founder of Virtual Mediation Lab, a project sponsored by the Association for Conflict Resolution Hawaii Chapter to teach mediators around the world the benefits of online mediation, how to add online mediation to their practice, and how to blend face-to-face and online mediation. Link to the Importance of Personal Branding webinar PLEASE NOTE – This webinar is part of a series of Virtual Mediation Lab webinars on how to launch and market an online mediation business. To find out when the next webinars will be held, please follow the Virtual Mediation Lab via Twitter, Facebook or its LinkedIn Group.