
Checking in

Kindness ideas by Katie Ranney

Is there someone that you haven’t talked to in a while? Have you noticed that someone in your life is “a bit off” but you haven’t had the time to find out why? Is that person more withdrawn or conversely more aggressive? Today is the day you check in with them!

You can include a 5-10-minute exercise in the beginning of a work meeting where everyone shares. They can share what their “weather” is like in their head, a “rose” (a positive thing) and a “thorn” (a negative thing) that has happened to them recently, or a picture that represents how they are doing (though this exercise will need advance warning and bit of preparation). When the check-in is on the agenda, it won’t feel rushed or perfunctory. It will be part of the meeting.

You can also reach out to someone one-on-one. Send a text just to check in. Call them up. You might be surprised who is just waiting for someone to ask!