Would you like to make a difference in this world? Or, as Steve Jobs might say: “make your dent in the universe” before your life is done? Join a team of volunteers who are lending their skills by facilitating meetings in Kailua to address homelessness issues. The goal of the meetings is to develop a multi-pronged advisory plan to address, through practical community-wide solutions, the growing number of homeless individuals and families in Kailua.
ACR-Hawaiʻi Board Member Tom DiGrazia has been working with the Kailua Neighborhood Board Subcommittee on Homelessness, which had their inaugural meeting on October 7, 2017. Attached are notes summarizing what occurred at the meeting.
We hope to create a team of facilitators with different skill and experience levels. We are especially interested on working with younger generations to pass on our collective knowledge. Many younger and less experienced facilitators and peacemakers will improve their peacemaking skill levels and help to further develop the professional peacemaking profession.
If you would like to get involved, please contact Tom DiGrazia directly at email: digraziat001@gmail.com, or phone: (808) 262-0770.
Mahalo – ACR-Hawaiʻi