The Mediation Center of the Pacific “Psychological Types & Conflict” workshop on Thursday November 6th can improve your ability to recognize personality traits in clients and the conflicts between different personality types to minimize them and achieve the best outcome possible in your mediation. The Myers-Briggs indicators can help you discover what the components of your own personality are, and how they may be influencing how you conduct mediations.
John Barkai was a member of MCP’s first mediator class, and he has been a Professor at the UH law school for many years. John has extensive experience in negotiating in various situations and cultures.
When and Where
Thursday, November 6, 5:30-8:30pm – Kukui Center Conference Room – 245 N. Kukui Street, Suite 103 – Honolulu
FREE for active MCP volunteer mediators.
RSVP – Seating is limited and the RSVP deadline is October 31st. If you are interested to attend this workshop, send an email to Nathan Nikaido nathan@mediatehawaii.org
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