I hope 2019 is going well for all of you!
ACR has faced lots of challenges in 2019 so far, but we are well equipped to handle them with a hardworking Board and Cheryl Jamison’s gracious assistance.
The Financial Committee with Kelly Riley at the helm has streamlined the ACR financial reporting, payments, and income. The Board, by unanimous vote, has agreed to hire an outside bookkeeper to handle the daily operations of ACR’s financial matters.
The Website Committee is focusing on fine tuning the ACR website and maximizing its use by members potential members, and ACR.
ACR continues to open the lines of communication to Sections and Chapters through the fine efforts of Katrina Nobles and Victoria McClain, respectively.
The process for expanding efficient use of webinars by chapters, sections and committees is moving forward rapidly through the efforts of Bryan Hanson (a past ACR President) and Katrina Nobles.
In the meantime, the ACR Board members and ACR Committees will continue the smooth operation of ACR pending the hire of a new executive director.
The search for a new Executive Director is in full swing. The deadline for applications was January 31, 2019, and we received inquiries and resumes from twenty-four applicants. The next step is for the members of the Board Hiring Committee, (Victoria McClain, Chair, Fernaundra Ferguson, Jacqueline Bleak, Ron Williams, and Barbara Melamed) to read the resumes we received, and forward five or six resumes to the Executive Council. The Hiring Committee and Executive Council will work together to narrow the list to three candidates. The five or six chosen by the Hiring Committee will be asked to submit letters of recommendation and will be interviewed by the Executive Council. Finally, the Executive Council will recommend three candidates to the full Board. The Board will choose one out of the three to be our new ED!
Cheryl Jamison has been with us every step of the way and will help in the final culling and interview processes.
What we need from our members is:
- Volunteer whatever time and resources you have by joining an Association Committee, Section, or Chapter.
- Provide feedback to Sarah Kauffman and/or Michael Rust on the Website.
- Reach out to prospective members and encourage them to join ACR.
- Renew your membership if it has expired or is soon to expire
- Also, Chapter members and section members please send notices of meetings and events, or pictures and a narrative relating to past events for publication on Facebook (Tracy) or in a Newsletters (Sunny).
Take care, you all, and thank you for being supportive of ACR and its goals.
Becky Bartness, Esq.
ACR 2018-2019 President
See it online here.