Aloha, Please join us for our annual meeting, dinner gathering, lively discussion, and voting on important matters! ACR Hawaii members will be asked to vote on the following: 1. Shall ACR Hawaii’s status as a chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution be terminated and shall it become an independent non-profit, tax exempt organization by the end of 2020? 2. (If the vote on #1. above is yes) Shall the Board be authorized to decide the new name of the organization? Explanation: The Board requests final authority on the new name in order to streamline the decision making process. The Board recommends that the new name be “Conflict Resolution Alliance”, however, the Board will take into consideration suggestions by members submitted by the end of the Annual Meeting, if there are any. This means that if you would like to provide input on the new name, you should give us your suggestions by the end of the Annual Meeting. There will be a sheet at the Annual Meeting where you can provide a new name suggestion, along with your contact information for any follow-up. For registration and more details, please go to: