Dear Conflict Resolution Alliance (CRA) members – Please join us on Wednesday, August 25 at 12:00 PM Hawai’i time for the Hawai’i State Judiciary, Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution Virtual Brown Bag Series-Skills for Problem Solving on “Courageous Conversations” with Gretchen Alther, José Barzola, and Scott Nishimoto. Program Summary: Leaders are often called upon to facilitate meaningful, civil, and sometimes difficult conversations. Join us to learn about why such conversations are as important as ever, and experience how they can be structured. This highly interactive workshop will include a facilitated courageous conversation and tools for doing this in other spaces. This workshop is relevant for leaders working with teams and communities and anyone wanting to learn more about effective communication in challenging spaces. Additional information is included in the CourageousConversationsFlyer Register for the program at Co-sponsored in collaboration with Conflict Resolution Alliance • The Hawaiʻi State Bar Association – ADR Section • Matsunaga Institute for Peace & Conflict Resolution • Community Mediation Centers: Kaua’i Economic Opportunity, Inc. Mediation Program • Ku’ikahi Mediation Center• Maui Mediation Services • The Mediation Center of the Pacific • West Hawai’i Mediation Center To request disability-related accommodations, call the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution at (808) 539-4237. Please send inquiries to, and please do not send inquiries via this email thread. The Hawaiʻi State Judiciary does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the speaker. Nor do the speaker’s remarks necessarily reflect the opinions of the Judiciary. Look forward to having you join us at future events. Wishing you and your family good health. Stay safe, healthy, and resilient!